Affordable Family Law Services in Manchester, England and Wales

Legal First Aid Fees


First telephone consultation is half price £30.

Drop-in sessions - Free


Divorce petitions - £100

Acknowledgement of service - £50

Statement in support - £50

Application for decree nisi - £25

Application for decree absolute - £25


Referral to mediation services - Free


Application for child arrangement orders i.e. where a child shall live and contact arrangements with the absent parent - £85

Name Changes

Change of adult name change deeds -£45

Change of child name change deeds - £30 (If consent required +£20)

Preparation of Statements  

Quoted in advance

Emergency Applications

Domestic Violence

Applicant – I can assess eligibility for legal aid and direct you to a firm of solicitors with a legal aid contract.

Respondent – there is no legal aid available for defending non-molestation orders.


Attendance at court - £40 per hour

Travel - 45p per mile

All fees are payable in advance via bank transfer.

Options and costs may be discussed on initial half price consultation.

All major debit and credit cards accepted.

Please note court fees are not included (although if you are in receipt of certain benefits exemption from court fees may be applicable)


If you need help with family law in Manchester, England and Wales and would like to arrange a consultation with me at Legal First Aid, please call 07398 894 822 for an initial half price consultation.  

Legal First Aid is a support and assistance service. Legal First Aid does not provide legal advice but will point you in the right direction to a solicitor/barrister when specific advice is required.